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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Comenius School Partnership_Partner_Romania

Title of the Partnership: Let’s travel! Tourism: another way of learning

Summary of the proposed partnership

The partnership aims to reflect the pedagogical aspects of tourism as an instrument of acknowledgement and discovering for our students. The aim of our project is to work on different aspects of tourism by creating an interface among sciences, nature and ecology, foreign languages and cultures to enforce the integration and diversity and to develop entrepreneurial and ICT skills. Our project will explore tourism as an alternative to integrate different regions and lifestyles in our European community.
Above all, we look to the students of our respective institutions to have fun, both creatively and innovatively, in making new friends, gaining new experiences and appreciating themselves and others in our European family.

Some of the objectives

1. To develop a two year partnership programme that will enrich the partner institutions, their students and their regions.
2. To raise awareness of tourism as an alternative and an instrument to discover the cultural, natural, ecological and scientific aspects of our own and that of others.
3. To provide a new perspective of diversity, differences and variety to rich integration through it.
4. To use tourism opportunities to improve students foreign languages command and ICT skills to develop entrepreneurial skills.

Target group: secondary education: general or TVET; teenagers 15-19 years old.

1. Grup Scolar de Industrie Usoara, Sighisoara, Mures County, Romania - Prof. Monica Mot (mailto:
2. IES Joan Ramis i Ramis, Mao, Menorca, Spain