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Monday, January 11, 2010

Comenius partner_Turkey

I am Salih UZ. I am a teacher in İzzet Bezirci Primary School in Konya, Turkey. Our students ages from 6 to 14 and we have 1500 students in our school. Namely we are a big school in the center of Konya.

This year we have created a project group consist of both students and teachers. We are interested in Comenius School Partnerships and would like to apply for 2010-2012 term as a partner.

My city Konya is famous for Mevlana. Unesco announced the Year of 2007 as Mevlana Year. He is famous thinker and known as one of the first Humanists. About Mevlana more reading is available on

If you are interested in our participation please let us know.


Best Regards

Salih Uz

İzzet Bezirci Primary School
Konya, Turkey