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Friday, February 5, 2010

Comenius Region Partnership_READY Project_Austria

Comenius Regio Project

Efficient Reading and Learning

Two European regions (Lower Austria and ...............) analyse , discuss and document (field studies) questions related to the reading competence of children between 6 and 15 in their regions.
Furthermore, based on this sound investigation the two partners design models of good practice (eg big books, book reviews) which they will test, adapt and eventually implent in their regions.
The topic is of interest for both regions as the level of reading of pupils within the EU is definitely not growing in some cases even slightly diminishing according to European documents.
The focus will be on questions related to motivation, the role of modern media, learning and reading stategies, gender sensitive texts, reading in all subjects and links between reading skills in L1 and L2.
The close relationship between reading and efficient and better learning will be investigated.

The partnership is varied and offers a promising mix of school boards, practicioners and researchers.

Working language: German

Coordinator: Regional Board of Education, Lower Austria

University College of Educiation Vienna/Krems
one Primary and one lower secondary school
ARGE Lesen – a teacher association which organises reading events in schools etc
Buchklub der Jugend – fosters reading activities in schools

Doris Sygmund , KPH Vienna/Krems