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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Partner from Germany_Leonardo da Vinci

Vocational School for Plastic Engineering

Christian Artmann:

049 8071 922997 - 0

049 8071 922997 -130

Jobs in plastic engineering experience quick changes in innovation. If you train people in this field, you always have to know the latest state-of-the-art trends and developments, and you should be able to teach them at a high level. This task requires a permanent improvement of your own technical knowledge and thus a continuous further qualification of training supervisors and our teachers. We would like to use the chances of further training and education in Europe. An important thing is to involve the partners in the companies, in order to know their qualification profiles and thus find the correct consequences for the vocational training of the skilled workers. We intend to initiate a common Europe conference for the teachers, trainers at technical colleges and the training supervisors in the companies.