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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Partner from Poland_Grundtvig

Partner searching file

GRUNDTVIG Learning Partnerships

Polish organization is searching for partners to the multilateral project under Grundtvig programme - Grundtvig Learning Partnership.

Deadline for submission of application forms (each partner to its own National Agency) is 21 February 2011.

Preliminary project title

Sharing passion

Exchange of experiences between partner organizations - how to encourage adults to develop passion and be more active in cultural and social field


Polish organisation


Community Centre in Wyszków

Type of organisation

self-government institution




Prosta 7 Street


+ 48 742 44 48



The characteristics of the organisation (main areas of educational activities, who are adult learners, etc.)

The Wyszków Community Centre’s offer is directed for different persons and groups from the youngest to the oldest. We try to be friendly to our residents, to fulfill their cultural expectations. We want our offer to be as various as possible on high artistic level. We are aware that for many people we are the place where they can systematically develop their skills. Others seek for artistic, musical, drama, aesthetic experiences or just good entertainment. For another our centre is a place where they can meet interesting people and spend their free time. We want to be seen as an institution open not only for people but also for their needs. We organize cultural events not only easy and popular but also for enthusiast. The Community Centre should promote less popular type of music and art. There is also educational activity for children and youth. We organize film meetings, drama shows and different theme lectures.

In the Community Centre function many groups of adult people who share interest – stained-glass window, artistic workshop, dance group and university of the third age including tourist club, computer, English lessons.
There are many active people in Wyszków, who collect information, materials about life in Wyszków and its history. We want to enable them exchange of their experience. We would like make it possible for them to meet the adults in other countries where they develop their passions in community centers. The meetings will inspire them to further development, will enrich their abilities and ways of activity. They will boost the interest about present forms of activity and will contribute to establishment the new. This development will depend on adult people’s voluntary work in community centre who will spend time organizing new forms of activity.

Contact person


Justyna Pochmara



+ 48 691 801 920


Summary of the project

Aims, objectives, general approach

1. Development of cultural offer addressed to adults by getting to know other centres, watching their activity, searching for inspirations;

2. Exchange of experiences, adopting new form of valuable cultural activity in local society;

3. Establishing contacts between the participants; new experiences, observations, ideas will fruit in further artistic development;

4. By realisation of the project organizations will attract new people for example local leaders who could contribute to expanding a cultural offer, appliance new forms of activity and spending free time;

5. Development of certain forms of adults’ activities in community centres will strengthen position of participants and will improve their psychophysical form. Thank to it the project will be talked about and one will be talking about the older people and how creatively they spend their time. People at social risk (defavourised group) will benefit it;

6. Promotion of the voluntary work in local societies of participant organisations;

7. Promotion of activity of older people according to the motto “let’s do something for ourselves: be creative and active – we are useful as experienced people full of passion and enthusiasm;

8. Promotion of local mother country – the project will be favourable for participants who will be able to get to know one another, watch how the others live and create in their community centres according to the motto: “unlimited abilities of development are in local societies – I am proud of my local mother country and I want to talk about it to others”


(number and aims of partners’ meetings, main national activities between partner meetings)

1. Organisation series of study visits for workers, volunteers, beneficiary of cultural offer by the partner organisations in their countries. They will be aimed at informing the quests about the host-partner’s offer, methods of work with the adult people, discussing possible innovations and adaptation solutions applied in other countries.

2. The most important aim of every visit will be artistic workshop (art, handicraft, music, ethnographic) or common presentation, exhibition, concert. The information about the event will be spread among local society and will be available for everyone – partners’ meeting is to be important event in local community;

3. Meeting of the partners will be an occasion for presenting neighbourhood to the quest, organization of hiking, cycling trips canoeing with the guide and interpreter.

4. The stress will be laid on the elderly people’s voluntary work, the value of devoting the time to the other person, sharing a passion, gifts, time. We will try to create a bank of time – exchanging the same-value services between elderly people who spend their time in community centre for example in universities of the third age.

Expected outcomes

(results, effects, products, also such as reports, websites, etc.)

1. Every meeting will be documented and the information published on the web sites of partner organisations and in local press (if possible);

2. The hard result of the project will be publication of brochures or a calendar with the pictures with the art prepared during workshops or for common exhibitions.

Group of adult learners at which the project is targeted

People connected with community centres, working on different areas of interests and workers of the institutions who organise free time and art workshops for the adults.

Working language of the project



2 years (August 2011 – July 2013)

Role in the project




Potential partners

Types of organisations, countries, etc.

Community centres; other cultural organizations